Collaboration with Foundation She

i4c has collaborated with foundation She convinced that the only way to stop the extension if cardiovascualr diseases is a achange of life of the population. This is a real epidemic and the first cause of death in the world. Dr. Valentin Fuster created Foundation She (Science, Health, Education), which based on clinical and basic research, has the aim to promote healthy habits through communication and education.

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Other donations

In 2011, i4c has given small donations to Fundación Reina Sofía, Centro Aiuti Etiopia, Parrocchia San Cassiano, Fundación Kriibskrank, Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenchaft, Agemo 18 Onlus, Fundació Finestrelles, Amici Bruerni and…
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University Fee

In 2014, i4c has paid a University Fee to the best student of the foundation “El Terral” in Barcelona for the degree on Teaching for Special Needs at UIC (International…
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