Donation to Alalá Foundation

Invest for children has made a donation to Alalá, Fundación Arte y Cultura por la integración. This foundation’s mission is to support social integration through the education of children and young people, promoting training in values and using culture, art and sport as a motivational tool. Currently, around 200 children receive free classes including guitar, dance, singing, percussion, theatre and plastic arts at the Art Schools of the Alalá Foundation in Polígono Sur in Seville, better known as the 3,000 dwellings, and in Estancia Barrera in Jerez.

The social value of the project is multiplied by the involvement of the pupils’ families, through programmes such as the “Sewing and Singing” workshop, the close relationship with the neighbourhood, the surrounding schools and high schools, and with the Sports School.

In terms of education, Alalá organises annual Loyola-Alalá scholarships, in collaboration with the Loyola Andalucía University, the “BIT” scholarships aimed at youth employment with the support of the José Manuel Entrecanales Foundation, and the “Caracafé” scholarships in collaboration with the Cristina Heeren Foundation, for young flamenco talents.

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