Colalboration with Jatakendeya 2024

Aware of the social discrimination and stigma towards people with disabilities and mental illness in Togo, the associations Jatakendeya and Miséricorde sans Frontière decided to create, in the year 2014, a psychosocial rehabilitation center with the aim of welcoming these children, young people, and adults to offer them a better future.

The center “Village Espérance et Paix” is located in a rural area of the maritime region of Togo, an area with very poor road infrastructure, so it is crucial for the development of the center to have good transportation that allows all activities to be carried out.

Thanks to the contribution of Invest for Children, it has been possible to purchase a quality 4×4 pick-up truck that, besides being the delight of all residents, is the perfect tool for the day-to-day operation of the project.

For more information, visit


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