Invest for children (i4c) is a non-profit international organization committed to providing a better quality of life for less abled children and youth.
Understanding diversity and working towards integration
What do we do?
i4c applies Venture Philanthropy, helping other foundations find recurring revenues.
What is Venture Philanthropy?
Venture Philantropy (or Risk Philanthropy) is a field of philanthropy where the models of Risk Capital are applied to foundations and non-profit organizations.
The mission of Invest for children is to help differently-abled people and under-privileged children achieve a better quality of life. Invest for children works directly with individuals and their families, as well as in collaboration with different Foundations related to health and research, employment, education and sport.
We want a society that integrates diversity. The objective of i4c is to support the social integration of less abled people, especially children and youth.

The foundation’s purpose is developed through some specific but not limited activities as explained below:
a. i4c promotes and offers programmes to achieve social and work placement inclusion of less abled people.
– i4c promotes educational programmes for less abled children and youth.
– Programmes to create employment for less abled individuals.
– Programmes to promote culture, leisure and sport activities.
– i4c provides prizes and scholarships to promote educational integration and work placement inclusion for less abled individuals.
b. i4c supports and consults to other foundations that provide the same activities related to i4c’s purpose:
– i4c uses communication campaigns to help grow the activities and work of smaller foundations.
– Organizational advise.
c. Promotion of conferences, seminars and panels related to the foundation’s purpose.
d. Edition of specialised publications related to the foundation’s purpose.
e. Promotion of social awareness campaigns related to the foundation’s purpose.
f. i4c supports, collaborates and participates with entities structuring general social movements.
In a general way, i4c promotes any activities that help achieve the fulfilment of the foundation’s purpose.

At Invest for children we are convinced of the need for transparency. We comply with all principles of transparency and good practice and are voluntarily audited every year.